I Don’t Like Snow
Your ads will be inserted here byEasy Plugin for AdSense.Please go to the plugin admin page toPaste your ad code OR Suppress this ad slot. 5:00 AM: I awoke to see a thick blanket of snow on the ground. Since … Continued
Your ads will be inserted here byEasy Plugin for AdSense.Please go to the plugin admin page toPaste your ad code OR Suppress this ad slot. 5:00 AM: I awoke to see a thick blanket of snow on the ground. Since … Continued
Your ads will be inserted here byEasy Plugin for AdSense.Please go to the plugin admin page toPaste your ad code OR Suppress this ad slot. 6:00 AM: Wake up knock on the door, followed by a bowl of wash water … Continued
1:30 AM: Up to use the restroom and drink more water. I heard more activity in the hallway, but I kept my eyes shut because I knew if I opened them, I’ll stay awake. 5:15 AM: Up again, this time … Continued
5:55 am: Awoke to lots of activity in the hall. Guys served up Sherpa tea and hot wash water. After brushing my teeth, I finished packing and put on sunscreen. Soon the Sherpas were back to pick up my duffel … Continued
5:45 AM: Sherpas were coming with tea and water as I was on my way to the restroom. They were at my door by the time I returned to my room. Sipped Sherpa tea as I washed my face with … Continued
12:30 AM: Woke to use the sole squat toilet at the end of the hallway, but it was occupied by someone with problems, so I used one of the outhouses in the courtyard between the lodge’s buildings. 7:00 AM Breakfast: … Continued
5:30 AM: Was on my way to brush my teeth using the sink in the hallway when I saw the sherpas coming with our tea and wash water. I waited for them so I could use the cup for rinsing … Continued
Like clockwork, 6:00 am wake up knock with Sherpa tea and wash water. I asked Kumar to let Ming know that my laundry wasn’t delivered last night and I was unable to finish packing. Two minutes later, the hostess was … Continued
During the night, when I got out of bed, my calves were stiff, so I took two Tylenols and went back to sleep. In the early morning, I heard Dan retching. How miserable. 7:00 AM: Ming checked in on me. … Continued
During the night, I heard Dan retching. I hope he’ll be alright. I awoke very thirsty, yet needing to pee. It’s a side effect of the Diamox. I had forgotten about that. 6:06 AM: Sherpas made their round of hot … Continued